Case Study: Business Intelligence (BI)


Following the merger of two Fortune 500 companies, the need for increased Business Intelligence (BI) within the IT organization was realized.


Using its metrics-driven philosophy, OnPoint Consulting developed a strategy that more fully utilized the various data systems already in use within the enterprise to create a robust set of custom reports and SharePoint-based dashboards. The goal was to derive as much information as possible from these legacy systems while limiting the impact to the users-base as much as possible.

As in every BI engagement, there will be necessary information that is unaccounted for and must be added to the user’s list of responsibilities in order to produce the proper metrics. Care should be taken, however, to limit over-burdening, as adoption and satisfaction rates will suffer accordingly.


Using a carefully planned, metrics driven approach, OnPoint Consulting produced a series of reports and executive dashboards that exceeded the requirements posed by the new, consolidated organization. Although some administrative overhead was unavoidable, efforts were taken to limit the strain it placed upon the user base. Additionally, some administrative overhead was programmatically alleviated bolstering an already high system utilization rate.